Gather in Sisterhood — Reflect and Connect
The energy of the New Moon is all about turning inwards, taking inventory, seeing from a place of darkness what can be transformed and manifested in the coming days, weeks, and years. It is like the time of planting: the seed is within the soil, in darkness, receiving its nourishment, to then grow and blossom.
One way to see the New Moon time is a through the process of self-reflection. In yoga, there is a word for this called Svadhyaya, or self-study. To study one’s self one also needs to reflect, so this is a natural time in the cycles of life to go inside, reflect, and pull forth qualities and attributes that will sustain you, and ultimately help you to transform into the person you see as your truest and highest self.
Women who gather together to share from their hearts create a powerful force that is healing and transformative. Women’s circles are uplifting and transformative. I only wish that all women feel called to share, be heard, offer compassionate listening to move through their blocks and hurdles in life to then rise above and feel empowered to heal and shift what needs to be shifted in their lives. This is what women’s circles have to offer, and I invite all women to join on this monthly journey with the New Moon.
What to expect:
A guided meditation, healing Reiki energy (optional), an opportunity to share what is on your heart, sacred listening, intention setting, collective release of what is not serving our highest good, and loving sisterhood.