Yoga of Love, Service & Devotion

The heart chakra is the seat of the Soul, and Bhakti is a path of love, service, and devotion. Through these classes we unravel anything that gets in the way of our hearts living in alignment with divine love. This dynamic class weaves mantra, movement, breath-work, and meditation into a heart-centered Vinyasa Yoga class that tunes you into a deeper connection of who you are and restores balance and peace to the body-mind.

The videos below were created during the COVID-19 pandemic—the Great Pause, as some have been calling it. I made these as a part of my personal Seva (service) and Sadhana (self-study). Please enjoy these free offerings, or tune into a live class.


Donations are accepted and appreciated. Please make donations through Venmo: @soulwisdom108 or PayPal or click the button below. Thanks for your support so I can continue to offer these practices.